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Understanding the Two-Week Wait

Why is the two-week wait so stressful?

Why is the two-week wait so stressful?

Undergoing infertility treatment takes time, resources and patience. One of the most nerve-wracking parts of the process is the two-week wait, the time between the embryo transfer and when you return to our office to test for pregnancy. Our Tulsa fertility center doctors sympathize with the angst our patients feel during the infamous “TWW.”

What happens during the two-week wait?

Based on the average menstrual cycle, or the time after infertility treatment ends, the two-week wait can range from 9 to 14 days. During this time, if an embryo has implanted in the uterus, hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, should build and reach levels high enough to register on a pregnancy test.

Your doctor will determine the best time for you to return for a pregnancy test. We strongly discourage our patients from testing any earlier than recommended because results are unreliable, and we don’t want our patients to create unnecessary stress during this already fraught time.

Tips for surviving the TWW after infertility treatment

Admittedly, the two-week wait can feel like an eternity. The minutes, hours and days can seem endless. Consider the following do’s and don’ts offered by our Tulsa fertility center doctors to help our patients get through the TWW.

  • Do try to relax. A great way to de-stress and reduce anxiety is to practice mindfulness. You can find short videos online or in smartphone apps designed to assist people with renewing their mind and spirit.
  • Don’t isolate yourself. Staying busy can allow you to take your mind off the wait. Making plans for a girls’ movie night or dinner with your partner can help pass the time.
  • Do embrace your healthy lifestyle. During the waiting period, you should continue to eat a healthy diet, move your body with moderate exercise, and take your prenatal vitamins.
  • Don’t obsess about potential symptoms. It’s easy to look for possible signs of pregnancy, such as nausea, tiredness or breast tenderness. Some of these symptoms can also signify the beginning of a period, so don’t make yourself worry more by hyper-focusing on your body.
  • Do reach out to your doctor with questions. If you have concerns, our team is here to get you answers and provide reassurance.

While 14 days doesn’t seem like a long time, it can feel like an eternity when you are trying to conceive. We will walk with you through each step of the infertility treatment process, including the dreaded two-week wait. Contact our office for more information or to schedule an appointment.