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Egg Retrieval

Egg retrieval is a critical step in the IVF process

If you have decided to pursue IVF to create or expand your family, you likely understand that it involves a series of sequential steps. Each part of the IVF process helps move our patients closer to their dreams for parenthood. Egg retrieval, which involves removal of the eggs from the ovaries, is a key component needed for success with IVF.

A quick refresher of the IVF process

When other treatment methods don’t produce results, our Tulsa fertility doctors may recommend moving on to IVF, a more effective option. The IVF process often provides the best odds of pregnancy, especially for those dealing with advanced maternal age, physical abnormalities, ovulatory dysfunction, male factor infertility, recurrent miscarriage and/or unexplained infertility.

The IVF process is customized to each patient and designed to optimize the number of embryos available to achieve pregnancy.

  • Ovarian stimulation to help the ovaries produce multiple eggs
  • Egg retrieval to extract the eggs for fertilization
  • In-lab fertilization to join the egg and sperm together
  • Embryo transfer back to the uterus to facilitate pregnancy

Preparing for egg retrieval

Before one of our Tulsa fertility doctors can perform the retrieval, you will take fertility medication designed to stimulate your ovaries into releasing multiple mature eggs during one cycle. We will monitor your progress via bloodwork and ultrasound. Once the follicles reach maturity, we will schedule the retrieval for about 36 hours after the trigger shot.

Understanding the procedure

Removal of the eggs is an outpatient procedure. Generally, patients arrive an hour or two before the procedure. We advise eating or drinking nothing by mouth after midnight the night before. For the egg retrieval, you will be under IV sedation, which will put you into a state of semi-consciousness. The actual aspiration of the eggs takes about 15 to 20 minutes, during which time your physician will use ultrasound to visualize the ovaries and withdraw the eggs from the follicles.

What happens next?

After the procedure, our embryologists examine the fluid to identify the eggs and place them into a special medium for eventual mixing with sperm. Patients are taken to recovery and rest there for approximately an hour before heading home. You should plan to rest for the remainder of the afternoon, but you can resume normal activities the next day.

Questions? Ask our IVF experts

Infertility treatment can feel difficult and overwhelming. You can count on our Tulsa fertility doctors and team for the unwavering support and top-notch care that you need. Contact our office to learn more about egg retrieval or the IVF process.